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With a donation of $2,500, payable over one to three years, to the Trent Fund, you can honour your Trent Story by dedicating a seat in Stohn Hall.Charitable tax receipts will be available for all seat naming donations and Trent staff will contact you to confirm your seat wording and location. We need your help to continue Trent's history of excellence and to take the lead in shaping our future. But we also know that the past months have been challenging, so we want you to know we are grateful for any amount you can contribute. Your generosity is cherished and helps immensely.
Please help us reduce our processing fees today by making your donation via eTransfer, its easy. Simply go to our eTransfer page, fill in the form and we will provide instruction
Our goal is a sustainable philanthropic program accountable to our donors. To help achieve this, 5% of donations to expendable funds are used to partially offset the costs of receipting, administering, tracking and distributing funds. Thank you for your support.
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Other ways to giveeTransfersGive by Mail
Payroll (For Staff & Faculty)
Legacy Giving