You will need to apply to readmit to the university. You are able to do so at the following link by selecting the options that best suites your circumstances:
If you have any outstanding questions about the process that is not answered online, please contact the Office of the Registrar with your questions or concerns. The contact information for the Office of the Registrar can be found at:
Once you have been readmitted you can then register to take courses. You would register to take courses through your myTrent portal.
You can access your tax forms, including T2202a forms, as follows:
If you have access to myTrent, you can access your T2202a very easily.
- Log into your MyTrent portal
- Click the Finances Tab in the top, right corner
- Click the Tax Forms icon
- Login using your Trent username and password
- Open each folder and print your eligible tax forms

Visit the Students Accounts Office online for full instructions, and contact information.
T4 Forms
During early spring, T4 forms will be available for student staff. They will be mailed to you no later than February 28th, 2021 as well as available under “Year End Information” on the “My Pay” tab of your VIP portal.
If you have additional questions about your student account and tax forms please email student accounts at
Transcripts, degrees, and student records are managed through the Office of the Registrar. The Alumni Engagement & Services Department does not have access to academic records.
When can I expect to receive my transcript?
Transcripts are typically be issued in 1-2 business days. Depending on the status of your myTrent account and the volume of requests for records, please allow 5-7 business days for request fulfilment.
Can I get a printed copy of my transcript?
Please note, paper copies of transcripts are no longer being issued as most institutions prefer digital documentation.
Unofficial Transcript
An unofficial transcript is available for viewing in the myTrent portal. An unofficial transcript may meet the requirements of many external organizations.
Step 1) To view your Unofficial Transcript, you must have an active myTrent account. If your account is inactive, our team can assist with myTrent account access.
Step 2) Once you have signed in to the myTrent portal, your unofficial transcript can be viewed and printed as a pdf. Follow these menu options Academics > Academic Record > Unofficial Transcript.
Official Transcript
An official transcript is a formal copy of your student academic record. It records all courses successfully and unsuccessfully completed, and all courses that were withdrawn after the course drop deadline.
Step 1) To order an Official Electronic Transcript you must have an active myTrent account. Our team can assist with your myTrent account access.
Step 2) For complete instructions on how to request and access your official transcript, please visit the Office of the Registrar’s transcript information page.