The David Schindler Professorship in Aquatic Science Lecture

Established in 2008, the David Schindler Endowed Professorship in Aquatic Science is the first-ever Endowed Professorship at Trent University. The endowment was given to the University to honour the work of Dr. David Schindler, a former Trent professor and one of the world's leading environmental scientists. 

The future of our waters: Warming winters, algal blooms and legacy nutrients 

  • calendar icon
    Thursday, February 06, 2025
  • time icon7:30 p.m.
  • location icon
    Market Hall - 140 Charlotte St, Peterborough, ON K9J 2T8


Lecture Abstract

Human activities have greatly accelerated nutrient cycles with excess nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural intensification and urbanization leaching to surface and groundwaters. These elevated nutrient supplies cause many problems including eutrophication, and increasing incidences of algal blooms. While new policies have been developed to address excessive use of nutrients, poor water quality remains a persistent problem in our lakes and streams. Climate change aggravates the challenge, as warmer winters are increasing nutrient release from soils. The focus of my lecture will be on legacy nutrients, their environmental controls, and downstream effects. I will use large-scale data and new analytical approaches to identify drivers of this pollution and identify opportunities for solutions to our on-going water quality challenges.

About the Speaker

To read about Dr Nandita Basu, please visit

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