Past Lectures

Creating An Urban Cultural Hub poster

Creating An Urban Cultural Hub

Cameron Bailey

November 23, 2023

Few people understand the importance of the arts and cultural sector better than Cameron Bailey - CEO of one of the world’s biggest and most important film festivals. Bailey brings a comprehensive wealth of experience to his position, and under his lead the festival continues to grow in size and significance every year.

In his engrossing and highly customized talk, Bailey traced what it takes to grow a cultural organization, from engaging staff at all levels, to harnessing the energy of local citizens and politicians to capturing the attention of the world. 

Maple Leaf Foods' Purpose



Michael McCain

March 29, 2021

At the head of Maple Leaf Foods for over 25 years, Michael McCain has not only thrived while managing through challenging situations, but he has also helped develop a leading culture, and an organization on the cutting edge of sustainability and growth. Mr. McCain shared his experiences in conversation with Dr. Don Tapscott and answered audience questions.


Watch the recording of Maple Leaf Food's Purpose

2011 Tapscott-Lopes lecture poster

Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World

Don Tapscott

February 9, 2011

Global business leader and Trent alumnus’ talked about his book, which was on the list for Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year 2010. In Macrowikimonics, Don Tapscott shows us that the institutions that have served us well for decades seem unable to move forward. We have reached a historic turning point: cling to the old industrial model or grasp the powerful new model of economic and social innovation that is sweeping across all sectors - from finance to health care, science to education, the media to the environment.


Tapscott lecture 2009 poster


How the Net Generation is Changing Business and the World


Don Tapscott

February 25, 2009 


A specialist in business strategy, organizational transformation and the role of technology in business and society, Don Tapscott spoke about his book and how the Net Generation is reshaping the form and functions of business, school, work and even democracy.

Tapscott lecture 2007 poster


The Challenge of the 21st Century: Finding Our Place on Earth


David Suzuki

January 19, 2007 

World-renowned geneticist, environmentalist, academic and broadcaster, Dr. David Suzuki, addressed an audience of over 600 students, faculty, staff and community members during an evening lecture. In his talk, entitled “The Challenge of the 21st Century: Finding Our Place in the World”, Dr. Suzuki spoke about the deep environmental crisis the planet is facing and how all the world’s resources are needed now to correct this situation.


Tapscott lecture 2005 poster


The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power


Joel Bakan

January 31, 2005 

Internationally renowned author Joel Bakan, the brains behind the book The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power and its award-winning documentary, spoke to a large audience at Trent. The Corporation is Joel Bakan's darkly amusing account of the corporation's evolution as a legal "person." The book and its award-winning documentary have swept North America and the world with an examination of the powerful entities that increasingly impact our lives. Mr. Balkan's book has made headlines with his assertion that just as the Church, the Monarchy and the Communist party played a dominant role in times past, the corporation has emerged as a new power entity that is impacting our lives and can be controlled.

Tapscott lecture 2004 poster


Cruising on the Information Toll Road in an MP3 Age:  Tune in, turn on and download?


Jim Griffin

March 3, 2004 


Jim Griffin is an international technology and music guru and CEO of Cherry Hill Digital. As an advisor and consultant to the music and entertainment delivery industries, Jim works to help his clients understand the uncertainty about the digital delivery of art.

How is digital technology changing the way we use music, books and images? What ethical impact is downloading having on intellectual property and royalties?

Will starving artists continue to struggle or is the new digital highway paving the way to a better world – an MP3-driven nirvana?

Jim Griffin talked about his fascinating perspective on these topics and other issues from his international work on the digital scene.

In Macrowikimonics Don Tapscott shows us that the institutions that have served us well for decades seem unable to move forward. We have reached an historic turning point: cling to the old industrial model or grasp the powerful new model of economic and social innovation that is sweeping across all sectors - from finance to health care, science to education, the media to the environment.

Macrowikinomics is expected to be as influential and successful as his 2007 Bestseller, Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything. The question is now posed: How must our institutions change for a new century, new media, new generation and a new economy?

One of the world's leading authorities on business strategy and how information technology changes business and government, Mr. Tapscott credits Trent's influence in developing his global awareness and passion for social change