Welcome to External Relations and Development
Welcome to the External Relations & Development portfolio web page - the gateway to the web sites for the Office of Development, Alumni Engagement & Services, and Community Relations.
Our Mission
Based on a shared passion for this special institution, our mission is to develop, inspire and nurture institutional relationships to build support, attract funding, increase engagement, raise profile and enhance Trent’s reputation to advance the University’s mission and vision. We aim to foster an enthusiastic and informed network of ambassadors and advocates, alumni, donors and partners to enrich our students, communities, and the world around us.
Message from the Vice-President

Trent University was founded by a community determined to ensure a bright future for their children. For fifty years we have attracted globally aware, passionate and inspiring students and faculty committed to creating a better world.
Our founders built an impressive university. In our second half-century we will take their work and vision further. In doing so, we are committed to the Trent ideal – a willingness to challenge the way we think.
However, it is only with the engagement and support of Trent alumni, our community and donors that we will continue to be a vibrant institution of learning, discovery and action. I encourage you to get in touch and see where our collaboration can take us.
Contact Information
Julie Davis
Vice-President, External Relations & Development
Email: juliedavis@trentu.ca
Phone: (705)-748-1011 ex. 1482