Support Ground-breaking Research at Trent through a gift to the Ontario Graduate Scholarship program
Many of our students, especially in the midst of a pandemic, are facing significant hurdles. Often, the biggest hurdle is paying for their education while also having enough money for basic needs like food and shelter. That’s is why the Ontario Graduate Scholarship is so valuable.
This prestigious scholarship allows graduate student recipients to put their focus where it needs to be most: on their academic endeavours and ground-breaking research.
Will you take a moment right now to consider making a gift to help fund an Ontario Graduate Scholarship?

What makes the Ontario Graduate Scholarship so unique is that the Province of Ontario provides 2:1 matching for donations. That’s right, every dollar contributed will be double matched, enabling more graduate students to continue their research.

Help Ontario Graduate Scholarship recipients like Megan pursue their dreams!
Megan Aoki, a Ph.D. Candidate in the Environmental & Life Sciences, is just one of the brilliant students who have benefited from an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
Megan’s area of critical study is on a class of plant hormones known as cytokinins. Her work found that cytokinins exist in non-plant organisms (such as bacteria, fungi, and even humans), which was previously unknown.
Not only are Megan’s observations and critical analysis significant to her field, but they have additional broad impacts in the fields of agriculture and medicine. In medicine specifically, cytokinins act as anticancer agents against cancer cells, giving Megan’s work added value and promise for new discoveries.
Read why alumni donors like Pamela Willoughby fund a Ontario Graduate Scholarship

“I was an undergraduate student and majored in Anthropology at Trent in the early 1970s. I went on to get a M.A. from the University of Alberta and a Ph.D. from University of California, Los Angeles, and have been a Professor of Anthropology at the University of Alberta for the past 35 years.”
“I study the earliest human societies, those of the Palaeolithic in Africa. I did not realize how unique Trent was until I studied elsewhere. It was small and friendly, and the college experience led to lifelong friendships. I know how hard it is to get funding as a graduate student. I have funded my own graduate students making use of research grants I have received over the years. I found out about the Ontario Graduate Scholarship and that, if I funded 1/3 of a scholarship myself, the provincial government would match it double and provide the other 2/3. This seemed like a wonderful program that I am pleased to support.”